And now... the latest adventures of SuperLuc!
Lola and Lolo bought me this costume for Halloween. Apparently, all sorts of cool things happen when you dress up on this day.

Like hanging out with gigantic bumblebees?!?!

Ahh... pumpkins, scarecrows, beautiful Fall weather... I'm enjoying this thing you call, "Halloween."
What?!?! You get candy on Halloween too? Mommy says that her students are giving away free candy! Quick-- let's go!
What will get me to the candy quicker: elevator or stairs?
Argh... I should've taken the stairs!
OK, follow me and don't lag behind!
Snickers bars...Laffy Taffy...Tootsie Rolls... Here I come!
Yes, I know you're supposed to look scary, but where's the candy?

Mission accomplished. Happy Halloween everyone!
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